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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-03
Clinical, Cytological and Chemotherapy aspects of Plasmacytoid Sticker Tumor in a dog – case report
Ana Paula de Farias Rocha, Aline Rocha Nunes , Vivian Hirdes Beskow , Katiellen Ribeiro das Neves, Marta Zielke, Jéssica Hellen Bastos Lavadouro, Viégas Abdala, Luiz Fernando Jantzen Gaspar, Lu
Published: March 30, 2016 | 255 159
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2016.v03i03.015
Pages: 242-245
Sticker tumor or transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a contagious cancer of high prevalence in dogs which spread usually occurs through sexual contact. Macroscopically are cauliflower-like and can be pedunculated, nodular, papillary or multilobulated. During palpation, the tumor shows firm consistency, friable and hemorrhagic. Often the surface displays ulcerations. Clinical signs associated with cytology findings allow the diagnosis of the disease. This report aims to describe the clinical and cytological findings of a Plasmacytoid Sticker Tumor diagnosed in a male canine, as well as the involution of the tumor after the established antineoplastic therapy.