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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-01
Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) and Internet of Things Adaptation in Agricultural Machinery
Cagdas Civelek
Published: Jan. 30, 2017 | 174 161
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i01.004
Pages: 18-23
By the 20th century developments in electronics, computers, robotics and internet technology have accelerated more and now these disciplines are more cross related than ever before. Applications of these technologies have spread wide in different areas like transportation, construction, aviation, space, etc. Since agricultural areas are getting narrow, agricultural practices should be made more intensive and precisely where these technologies application to be penetrated into agriculture very fast. Also these new technologies have brought a term called information technology (IT) which makes these technologies usage meaningful. For making high yield production computers, electronics, internet and information technology should be used together. One of the new eras that internet technology has brought is Internet of Things (IoT) which is a useful tool for agriculture. Wireless communication systems are getting more important since a thing should have an ability to connect to internet and become an internet thing. There are lots of wireless communication systems still being used but, reliability, security, installation and operating costs are becoming more important now. As LPWAN (low power wide area network) has these capabilities and more, it has a potential and coming forward to be used in agriculture.