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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-12 | Issue-06
Recurrent Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum Induced by Electronic Cigarettes
Barillo, JL, Dornelas, LV, Porto TA, Carneiro, MD, Reis, APGD, Pereira ACBP, Zamboni, MM
Published: June 8, 2024 | 97 65
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2024.v12i06.022
Pages: 1056-1059
Vaping is the process of inhaling an aerosol produced by heating a liquid or wax containing substances such as nicotine, flavoring, and aditives with a device called electronic cigarette (EC). Consumers who use the EC tend to overinhale and then forcefully exhale to eliminate the vapor, performing an exaggerated Valsalva maneveur, usually produced in much greater quantity than generated by a regular cigarette. This can increase their risk for developing potential spontaneus pneumomediastinum. Pneumomediastinum is the presence of air or gas in the mediastinum, that can be classified as spontaneous or secondary. Here we present a case of recurrent spontaneous pneumomediastinum due to EC use.