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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-12 | Issue-10 Call for paper
Optimising Warehouse Navigation: A Novel Two-Dimensional Grid Model for Robot Path Planning in Warehouse Logistics
Paarth Sonkiya
Published: Oct. 21, 2024 | 62 49
Pages: 314-323
In practical warehouse scenarios, route optimization is an important factor due to its large impact on the cost and time efficiency of a warehouse. This directly affects the overall productivity of a warehouse. Many algorithms have been developed to address this issue- the most commonly used in the industry include the A* algorithm and Dijkstra’s algorithm. While most provide appropriate usage in static ware house environments, many often fall short in dynamic warehouses, where they are unable to efficiently adapt to changing layouts and obstacles without compromising on time and cost efficiency. This study proposes a lattice-based two-dimensional algorithm designed to navigate warehouses while also avoiding obstacles efficiently. Employing this algorithm can result in substantial cost reductions, as it optimizes travel distances and resource allocation. Moreover, the algorithm enhances the time efficiency significantly by reducing order fulfillment. This research offers a practical solution to a persistent challenge in modern warehouse logistics. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm suggests its potential to revolutionize the industry’s approach to route optimization.