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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-01
Well Integrity Evaluation during CO2 Storage and Enhanced Gas Recovery
Mingxing BAI, Kaoping SONG, Jingjing GOU, Yuejun ZHAO, Jingyuan ZHAO
Published: Jan. 15, 2014 | 165 177
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 1-8
With the industrialization in the 19th century the desire for energy rose continuously resulting in a high emission of CO2 which is one of the greenhouse gases. Storage of CO2 in the underground, e.g., depleted oil and gas reservoir, is proved to be one means of mitigating greenhouse effect and meanwhile enhancing oil and gas recovery. In order to ensure an effective long-term containment of CO2 in the underground, the well integrity has to be evaluated prior to the commencement of implementation. The evaluation of well integrity for plugged and abandoned well is a big challenge, because conventional methods to assess well integrity, e.g., logging, coring, cannot be applied on abandoned wells. Many researchers have proposed generic methods to assess well integrity. This paper is going to provide a review over these methods and put forward a structure of a new comprehensive methodology which can bring a step forward for well integrity evaluation.