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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-09
Mechanical Spider Using Klann Mechanism
U.Vanitha, V. Premalatha, M. NithinKumar, S. Vijayaganapathy
Published: Sept. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 737-740
Since the wheel was invented back in the Stone Age, it was the primary component used in all forms of
mechanical transportation. Even today it is the component of choice for almost any type of moving machine like cars.
However, the wheel has always had a major disadvantage with short instant elevation changes like stairs. For most uses,
climbing stairs or steep jagged rock piles is not a problem which is why the wheel is still almost always used. For the
other applications, people looked at animal and human legs which are already proven to work effectively on this type of
terrain. The two most effective leg mechanisms are currently Joe Klann’s mechanism which resembles a spider leg and
Theo Jansen’s mechanism which resembles a human leg. We have chosen Joe Klann mechanism which has more
advantage than Jansen mechanism. The main objective of our paper is to replace the function of wheel with an alternative
in order to overcome the difficulty of travelling in uneven terrain. This paper is useful in hazardous material handling,
clearing minefields or secures an area without putting anyone at risk.