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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Literature Review on Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine anchored in Face Recognition System
Rakesh Kumar Yadav, A.K Sachan
Published: Feb. 28, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 95-102
In view of two fundamental reasons, face recognition system has gotten consideration in the research. The
primary reason is the extensive variety of business and law enforcement applications and second reason is concerned
with the accessibility of the attainable advancements. The combination of PCA-SVM (Principal Component Analysis and
Support Vector Machine) and PCA-ANN (Principal Component analysis and Artificial Neural Network) techniques for
face recognition system have been easily found in recent years. Some researchers came up to improve PCA-SVM and
PCA-ANN combinations. This paper gives state-of-the-art audits of these blends and tries to clarify the reason that why
PCA is utilized with numerous classifiers and which one combination is ideal to use in future.