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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Analysis of Corrosion Properties caused by Zn Fume in Ni Alloy
Min-Sook Baek, Man-Bok Park, Kyeong-Cheol Baek, Pub-Sung Kang, Ki-Bok Heo, Dong-Joo Yoon, Joon-Seop Kwak
Published: Jan. 28, 2016 | 183 126
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 107-112
In this study, the manufactured Ni alloy was tested on how much it had corrosion resistance against Zn fume when it was used in the hot dip galvanizing equipment in the steel plant. Two kinds of materials currently used in the equipment, SM45C(steel for mechanical structure, KS) and Inconel(typical corrosion-resistant Ni alloy), were selected as the reference groups. Two alloys of Ni-28Cr-4Mo-2Ti and Ni-20Cr-10Mo-1Ti were designed and the same heat treatment as Inconel 625 was conducted for a proper comparison. Zn fume was generated by bubbling Ar gas from molten Zn in the furnace and the samples were analyzed after 10, 20 and 30 days. According to the result of XRD and Potentiodynamic polarization test, it was confirmed that ZnO was formed on the entire metal surface, which resulted in the change of corrosion resistance on the samples. Especially the newly designed alloy out of samples showed the most excellent corrosion resistance for the high temperature in the trial for 30 days.