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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-07
Application of Simulation Softwares for Analysing the Solidification Pattern of Aluminium Alloy (LM6) Casting
Titas Nandi
Published: July 30, 2016 | 143 166
DOI: 10.21276/sjet.2016.4.7.4
Pages: 312-324
Casting simulation is a virtual casting process that ensures the production of defect less castings in the shortest possible time. It involves computer-aided modeling, pattern design, methoding, simulation and optimization. Casting simulation technology has been proven for all major cast metals and processes, giving reliable results even for complex castings. Neither a drop of hot metal is needed nor does it hamper the regular production schedule of the concerned foundry. It however, does not replace a methods engineer or production manager. It will only assist a methods engineer to achieve the best casting design with very few or even no trial and also creates confidence to a foundry manager. In the present study, a stepped component was considered to study the solidification behavior of LM6 at different size of the riser neck ,by using FEM based casting simulation software , whenever, the size of riser remains constant. The simulated results has compared with the experimental results. It has been observed that the simulated results are almost identical with the experimental data.