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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-08
Comparison of Moisture Removal Rate for Five Samples of Sliced Staple Food Using Multipurpose Convective Cabinet Dryer
Victor Adekunle Adetoro, Sumaila Onimisi Sheidu, Gabriel Oladeji Bolarinwa, Nonyelum L. Onyekwere
Published: Aug. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet.2016.4.8.6
Pages: 375-381
This paper is aimed at studying the rate of moisture removal from samples of staple food using a multipurpose
convective cabinet dryer. A multipurpose convective cabinet dryer is designed, fabricated and used to study the moisture
removal rate of sliced yam, bitter yam, cocoyam, cassava and plantain (A, B, C, D and E respectively) placed in a single
layer. These food samples were obtained from eastern part of the country. The samples were dried from initial moisture
content of 60.1%, 72.7%, 70.9%, 64.4%, 61.4%, respectively to final moisture content of 0% in five different trays at
60OC air temperature and 2.5m/s air velocity and the weight losses were taken. The moisture removal rate was found to
decrease with time and drying process occurred at falling rate period. From the plot of the mass against drying time, it
was observed that in general, the reductions in mass of the sliced samples occur at falling rate period. This indicates that
the moisture removal from the samples is controlled by the mechanism of diffusion.