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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-9 | Issue-02
Case Report of Acromegalo-Gigantism in Mixed Adenoma
R. Louzolo-Kimbembe, F. El Gharroudi, S. Rafi, G. El Mghari, N. El Ansari
Published: Feb. 12, 2021 | 136 164
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2021.v09i02.007
Pages: 135-137
Before the end of the 19th century, many reports dealing with acromegaly and gigantism appeared. The two syndromes were clinically linked to each other by Brissaud and Miege in 1895; Hutchinson described the pathological similarity in 1900. Thirty-two years later, Cushing reaffirmed that pituitary adenomas were routinely found in patients exhibiting acromegaly or gigantism. He expressed the theory that the relative rarity of gigantism resulted from the recognized lack of adenoma formation in early life. Following Cushing's writings in 1927, scattered case reports dealing with the subject of pituitary gigantism appeared. Recent reports have presented the first detailed studies on human growth hormone (HGH) levels and their response to various manipulations in two giants, but it is still true that much of what is written in textbooks regarding Pituitary gigantism is derived by inference from what is known about the more common acromegaly syndrome in adults.