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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-10 | Issue-03
Design and Development of Multiparticulate Floating Drug Delivery System Containing Lisinopril
Rathod Sayali P, Jadhao Umesh T, Lokhande Sneha S, Panchal Pranita P, Wakade RB
Published: March 28, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2021.v10i03.004
Pages: 54-59
The aim of present work is to design multiple unit floating drug delivery system for prolong release of Lisinopril by using different amount of waxes, and to study effect of pectin on buoyancy of the system. The purpose of the study is to prepare wax-encarporated pectin-based emulsion gel beads using a modified Emulsion-gelation technique. The Model drug was incorporated in pectin wax contain olive oil, Lisinopril, were hot-melted, homogenized and then extruded into calcium chloride solution. The prepared Wax-incorporated Emulsion Gel Beads were evaluated for Micromeritics studies, entrapment efficacy, in-vitro buoyancy rate, dissolution rate, it was concluded that the increase of drug release of Lisinopril could be obtained upto 10 hrs.Various preformulation studies like bulk density, tapped density, Carr's index angle of repose were in the acceptable limits especially for batch F9. Drug and polymer are compatible with each other as they are verified through FTIR spectroscopy. Increasing the amount of wax in the formulation significantly prolonged the drug release but was insufficient for sustaining the release of highly water-soluble drug.