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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-3 | Issue-03
White tumor Induced Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: case report
Youssef Elbir, Yassine Sedrati, Imad Elghordaf, Karim Bennani, Rida-Allah.Bassir, Monsef Bofettal, Ahmed. El Bardouni, Mohamed S. Berrada
Published: March 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 86-89
Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by tuberculosis (TB) is a rare presentation of this disease. We report the case
of a 32-year-old male presenting a swelling in the left wrist associated to paresthesia in the second and third ipsilateral
fingers. EMG findings were compatible with carpal tunnel syndrome. The radiographs revealed a volar mass and geodes
of the first row of the wrist. Histological examination confirmed diagnosis. Antibacillary chemotherapy produces
excellent results