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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-4 | Issue-01
A Clinicopathological Evaluation of Jaundice Due to Extra Hepatic Biliary Obstruction
Tapas Ranjan Gupta, Anshuman Panda, Subrata Kumar Das, Prabal Kar Mahapatra, Raj Kumar Chandan, Gouri Shankar Kesari
Published: Jan. 30, 2018 | 211 114
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2018.4.1.3
Pages: 8-17
Two third of cases of obstructive jaundice are caused by benign diseases like calculus diseases of biliary tract, Choledochol cyst, pancreas divisum, annular pancreas, primary sclerosing cholangitis and post-operative or post pancreatitis strictures. The present study aimed at a clinicopathological evaluation of a group of patients presenting with jaundice due to obstruction at the extra hepatic part of the billiary tree and results of treatment in short term follow up period. Study showed that malignant lesion causing obstructive jaundice was more common in the male and in the present series out of 17 male patients 12 (70.6%) had a malignant etiology in the background for the clinical sign of jaundice; while 55.5% (5 out of 9 patients) in female had benign lesion. For the detection of the cause of obstruction, to assess the degree of liver damage, to formulate the technical procedures to be adopted and ultimately to forecast the prognosis of the patient no single method as such is adequate.