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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-04
Design and Production of Water Sustainable Planter
Eugene Ofori Agyei, Klinsman Owusu Amponsah, Robert Amoanyi
Published: Aug. 25, 2018 | 137 125
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i04.007
Pages: 75-86
Improper irrigating of plant is the most frequent cause of plant mortality. Many people are frustrated with the quantity of water to give to their plants and also do not get time to water their plants regularly. This could be difficult to keep plants healthy and fresh. This study specifically experiment on the body that will enhance the seeping of water at a given time and to design series of water sustainable planter that will suit the require plants (flowers). Studio-based method of qualitative research design was employed in the study. Results from observations aided in the production of the water sustainable planter. The study unveiled that water sustainable planter can be produced using locally available materials such as Mfensi clay, Keyansi clay, grog and sawdust. The sustainable planter was able to sustain water, making the soil moist and helps plants to grow fresh and healthy. The study recommends that further research should be done by using different materials for the production of water sustainable planter and other plants should also be explored for the planter. Further reviewing of designs based on the planter should be made to suit the required plant.