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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Exceptional Cause of Appendicular Peritonite: Foreign Metal Object in Appendicular Lumen About A Case
Christel Marie Lalèyè, Setondji Gilles Roger Attolou, Félix Kamga, Elohonnan Wilfried Gandji, Yakoubou Imorou, Habib N’Domè Natta N’tcha, Woléola Pencôme Ogouyemi, Kuassi Delphin Mehinto
Published: April 30, 2020 | 214 169
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i04.012
Pages: 212-214
Introduction: Acute appendicitis is rarely caused by the obstruction of the appendicular lumen by an intraluminal metal object. Clinical Case: Patient is 24 year old woman with no prévious history admitted for generalized abdominal pain starting at the right iliac fossa (RIF) for about 07 days, associated with vomiting, fever and transit stop. The clinical examination reveal a syndrome of peritoneal irritation. The diagnosis of peritonitis of appendicular origin was made and the patient operated. Peroperatively, we discoved false membranes, dilated and agglutinated small intestine in the right iliac fossa. The appendix was unperforated and phlegmonous. An appendectomy was performed followed by washing and drainage of the abdominal cavity. At the opening of the appendix we discoved a metal clip obstructing the appendicular lumen. Discussion: In the etiopathogenesis of acute appendicitis, it is classically described that it is an obstruction of the appendicular lumen trapping bacteria which is at the origin of the onset of symptoms. Intra-appendicular foreign bodies have been described as dental amalgam, pin, nails, or staples.