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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Giant Epidermoid Cyst Presenting as Breast Lump in Male
Rahul Gupta, Rozy Paul, Shyam Bihari Sharma
Published: Oct. 30, 2014 | 70 72
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i05.076
Pages: 1869-1873
Epidermoid cyst is frequently known as sebaceous cyst. Epidermoid cyst in breast is rare while, presentation as breast lump in male is an extremely rare entity and only five cases have been reported till date. We are adding one more case of giant epidermoid cyst of breast in the English literature. Unusual feature in our case was the retraction of the nipple. Epidermoid cyst should be considered as a differential diagnosis of the benign breast lump in males. Local excision through elliptical incision is the treatment of choice. In case of the involvement of nipple areola complex, part of uninvolved areola should ideally be left for reconstruction of nipple at a later date. Biopsy is obligatory in giant cyst to rule out malignancy.