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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-12
The Effectiveness of Clove Leaf Oil Antibacterial against Sub-Clinical Mastitis-Inducing Bacteria in Dairy Cattle
Agustinus Lomboan, Pratiwi Trisunuwati, Puguh Surjowardojo, Osfar Sofyan
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 | 152 129
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i12.011
Pages: 897-900
The effectiveness of clove leaf oil antibacterial is tested by in-vitro at Laboratory of Bacteriology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, aimed to obtain the antibacterial concentration of eugenol from clove leaf oil because this concentration is useful to prevent sub-clinical mastitis-inducing bacteria in dairy cattle. The test utilizes well-based diffusion method by measuring preventive zone diameter and bacteria colony total. Results indicate that treatments are not significantly influential (p< 0.05) to bacterial preventive zone because media and conditions required for incubation and also for bacterial growth are almost similar. Result of testing over bacterial colony total (CFU/ml) has shown the influence that is very obviously different between treatments (p> 0.05). Duncan Test is conducted and indicates that Treatment A1 has bacterial colony total that obviously differ from others (p> 0.05), and that is more or in higher level than Treatments A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6. Higher bacterial colony total at Treatment A1 is caused by the absence of eugenol of clove leaf oil which may prevent bacterial growth during incubation. It contrasts with what has been found from A2 to A6. It means that eugenol of clove leaf oil must be functional as antibacterial to prevent bacterial growth. This finding is persistent although Treatment A2 at concentration 7.5 % until Treatment A6 at concentration 37.5 % are less obviously different after comparison (p< 0.05), or having similar effect on bacterial colony total. Result of this research indicate that eugenol antibacterial of clove leaf oil at concentration 7.5 % is quite effective to prevent bacterial growth and to reduce bacterial colony total (CFU/ml) in the milk of dairy cattle infected by sub-clinical mastitis.