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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-4-Issue-05
Sept. 19, 2018 | Research Article
126 110 View Article 
Impact of the Influence of Politics in Funding of Higher Education
Garainesu Shoko
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 98-102
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i05.001
126 110 View Article 
Sept. 19, 2018 | Research Article
The Development of the Private Funding of Higher Education: Challenges and Successes
Garainesu Shoko
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 103-109
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i05.002
Sept. 28, 2018 | Research Article
165 108 View Article 
The Politics of Attack through Gendered Hausa Proverbs
Asabe Kabir Usman
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 110-117
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i05.003
165 108 View Article 
Oct. 24, 2018 | Research Article
139 109 View Article 
African Philosophy: The Questions of Climate Change and the Environment
Dr. Joyce Onoromhenre Agofure, Aisha Umar M
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 118-122
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i05.004
139 109 View Article 
Oct. 27, 2018 | Research Article
Poverty Reduction in Ghana: The Role of Farm and Non-Farm Enterprises
Francis Issahaku Malongza Bukar, Moses Naiim Fuseini, Mohammed Sulemana, William Aduah Yorose, Mohammed Gadafi Ibrahim
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 123-129
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i05.005
Oct. 30, 2018 | Research Article
153 140 View Article 
A Survey of Folk Intuitions about the Physical Criterion of Personal Identity among Some Philosophically Laypeople
Makotoka Kahaka, Baampatlha Dinama
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 130-138
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i05.006
153 140 View Article