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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-5-Issue-07
July 15, 2019 | Review Article
134 123 View Article 
The Psychological and Social Problems of the Unemployed and Their Relations with Some Variables
Afrah Tuama Radhi
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 198-201
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.001
134 123 View Article 
July 17, 2019 | Review Article
Effect Of The Program On The Development Of Creative Abilities On The Efficiency Of The Performance Of A Sample Of Special Education Parameters/ Comparative Study
Khadija Wajid Abboud Muhur Al-Furaiji
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 202-205
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.002
July 20, 2019 | Review Article
159 113 View Article 
The Role on Training Concerning Behavior of the Development Regarding the Utility Concerning Affirmative Leadership On
Khadija Wajid Abboud Muhur Al-Furaiji
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 206-208
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.003
159 113 View Article 
July 22, 2019 | Review Article
137 113 View Article 
Speech Disorders and Their Relationship to Self - Confidence and Self Esteem among Middle School Students
Afrah Tuama Radhi
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 209-212
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.004
137 113 View Article 
July 25, 2019 | Research Article
161 121 View Article 
The Impact of Training And Development On Performance In The Public Service In Zimbabwe: A Case Of Kwekwe District In Zimbabwe
Dr. Denias Muzenda
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 213-217
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.005
161 121 View Article 
July 26, 2019 | Research Article
198 158 View Article 
Supervision of Teachers in Mbire District Primary Schools in Zimbabwe: Working With Teachers for Effective Schools
Dr. Denias Muzenda
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 218-223
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.006
198 158 View Article 
July 28, 2019 | Review Article
145 121 View Article 
Grammar Is Our Savior: A Normative Guide to Emancipation as Expounded In the Vākyapadīya
Dr. Rohana Seneviratne
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 224-231
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.007
145 121 View Article 
July 29, 2019 | Review Article
161 175 View Article 
The Niger Delta Crisis and National Integration in Nigeria
Afolabi Oladiran, Asumu Leo Otimeyin
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 232-240
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.008
161 175 View Article 
July 29, 2019 | Review Article
136 141 View Article 
Applying Marxist Hermeneutics of the Visions of Shakespeare
Mayada Hashim Ahmed
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 241-245
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.009
136 141 View Article 
July 30, 2019 | Review Article
137 108 View Article 
The Worse Sides of Family Violence and its Effects on the Educational Development of Children in Delta State – Nigeria
Oghiagbephan AD
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 246-249
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i07.010
137 108 View Article