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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-6-Issue-11
Nov. 6, 2020 | Book Article
136 158 View Article 
College Success: A Concise Practical Guide (7th ed). Book by Davide L. Strickland and Carol J. Strickland
Dr. Wandra Arrington
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 133-134
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2020.v06i11.001
136 158 View Article 
Nov. 27, 2020 | Review Article
151 173 View Article 
International Harmonization of Human Life and Society
Evgeniy Bryndin
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 135-137
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2020.v06i11.002
151 173 View Article 
Nov. 28, 2020 | Review Article
Influence of Different Parenting Styles on Adolescents’ Identity Construction
Shakshi Priya Giri
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 138-141
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2020.v06i11.003
Nov. 30, 2020 | Research Article
136 262 View Article 
Do Life Forces Construct Consciousness?: Rethinking Karl Marx’s Theory in Knowledge Economy of Creative Literature
Alfred Ndi
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 142-154
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2020.v06i11.004
136 262 View Article 
Nov. 30, 2020 | Review Article
153 118 View Article 
Rethinking the Knowledge Economy of e-Dating in Romance Stories: Hypertexting G. Homans’ Social Exchange Theory
Alfred Ndi
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 155-171
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2020.v06i11.005
153 118 View Article