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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-7 | Issue-05
Energy Analysis of a Gas Turbine Generator (a Case Study of 3 X 2.5MW Centaur 40)
Onwuamaeze IP, Sule S, Odinikuku EW
Published: May 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2019.v07i05.007
Pages: 202–207
Gas turbine power plants have gained a wide spread acceptance in power generation and mechanical drive. Their compactness, high power to weight ratio, ease of installation, early commissioning, fast starting and quick shut down time have made them popular prime mover. Drop in gas turbine efficiency are tied to many factors which include; operation mode, poor maintenance procedures, age of plant, discrepancies in operating data, compressor inlet temperature, etc. In this research work, energy analysis of gas turbine generators was carried out. Four years data (i.e. 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017) were used for the analysis. MATLAB editor was used in modeling and simulating the gas plants. Overall efficiency, thermal efficiency, thermal power, heat rate, specific fuel consumption, and work ratio were all analyzed and evaluated for performance. The results obtained on the simulation of the gas turbines show that the average overall efficiency, average thermal efficiency, average heat rate, average thermal power, average specific consumption, and average work ratio of centaur gas turbine generators were obtained as16.09 %, 16.98%, 22636 kW, 5197 kW, 0.4619 kg/Kw-h, and 0.4605. Furthermore, the results revealed that overall efficiency, thermal efficiency, thermal power decrease because of increase in compressor inlet temperature. However, specific fuel consumption, and heat rate increases with increase in compressor inlet temperature. The work ratio decreases with increase in compressor inlet temperature, and this confirmed that gas turbine generators are susceptible to high irreversibility at high compressor inlet temperature. Therefore, for improve and optimum efficiency of the gas turbine investigated, cooling of the compressor inlet air temperature is required.