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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-11 | Issue-09
Prototype Development of an SMS-Based Industrial Water Tank Level Monitoring and Control Parameters System
Otele Israel, Beinmowei D. Egeun, C. J. Ezeofor
Published: Sept. 29, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2023.v11i09.004
Pages: 201-211
This study describes the creation of a prototype SMS-based fluid parameter monitoring system. Many water industry and oil servicing/plant maintenance companies use workers to measure and monitor fluid parameters such as flow rate, temperature, pressure, and level (taking periodic readings). The method is determined to be extremely difficult and severe, raising serious concerns. To address the aforementioned issue, it is proposed that a system be developed that would reduce the staff stress of manual monitoring of fluid parameters and notify the same to personnel for necessary action. The suggested system is made up of both hardware and software. The hardware section consists of four units: power supply, input, control, and output, all of which were created utilizing a top-down system design approach. The C programming language was used to write the software that controls the entire system. Following that, multiple units were constructed and tested. When the system is turned on, the sensors monitor various fluid (water) characteristics and provide signals to the microcontroller, which analyzes the parameters and sends them to a display unit and the employee's mobile phone for alert notification. The outcome is quite precise and accurate. A simulation of the system performance was also performed in PROTEUS. This proposed method is inexpensive and can be implemented in oil service organizations to provide faultless services in place of employees.